The 12th International Workshop on Application of Field Programmable Gate Arrays in Nuclear Power Plants was held on October 14-16, 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting was hosted by MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. The workshop was organized by SunPort SA.
The Final Agenda of the workshop included 1 invited presentation, 23 technical presentations and 1 vendor demonstration.
The event was attended by 59 representatives of nuclear power vendors/suppliers, regulators, engineering and research organizations from 14 countries, including: Argentina, Austria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and the United States.
The workshop includes presentations on regulatory perspectives, standards development, cyber security, formal methods and analysis, project development tools, and technology diversity attributes.
The next FPGA meeting will tentatively be held in October 2020 and we are looking for a sponsor and a location.
01-00a SunPort 12th FPGA Workshop – Opening
01-00c Welcome to Hungary – Paks NPP
01-00d IAEA Overview of I&C Activities
01-01 US NRC Critical Issues and Lessons Learned in the Deployment of FPGA Based Systems in NPPs
01-03 Status of IEC 62566-2 and V&V TÜV Experiences
01-04 South Africa Regulatory Requirements for FPGA-Based VDU in NPP
01-06 UK ONR Cyber Security Considerations in FPGA-Based System Design
01-07 Framatome From Function Diagrams to Silicon
01-09 CADLOG How Formal Analysis Proves the Security of Your FPGA Design
01-10 Role & Development Methods of FPGAs in Rolls-Royce Safety Platforms
02-11 SunPort FPGA Trends – 12th FPGA Workshop
02-12 NuScale Plant Overview and FPGA Licensing History
02-13 Legal Requirements for I&C System of the Slovak Republic
02-14 SunPort Licensing History and CCF Mitigation for FPGA Based Systems in US Market
02-15 CNEA I&C Architecture Design of FPGA-Based Reactor Protection System
02-17 CNCS Intelligent RTL Simulation Platform for Nuclear Safety System Application based on FPGA
02-18 HItachi Class 1 Compliant Design and Verification Process for FPGA-Based I&C System