SunPort participated in the 28th Meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Working Group on Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control (TWG-NPPIC) held on June 23-25, 2021.
The meeting was attended by 43 participants representing 19 countries. The meeting started with a status report from Mr. Janos Eiler on the status of IAEA activities and the TWG-NPPIC accomplishments since the last meeting in 2019. Country reports were provided describing the status of nuclear activities, key I&C issues, and recommendations for future TWG-NPPIC activities. The most interesting insight from these reports was that nuclear power is both an integral part of a clean energy future and a technology excluded from clean energy plans. New nuclear construction (largely in developing countries) is offset by the curtailment activities of nuclear power generation (in several developed countries). The TWG them discussed the set of recommendations and developed a group consensus on priorities as input to the IAEA for planning the I&C activities for the next work period.