An extension to the RadICS field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based digital Instrumentation and Control (I&C) platform was approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on June 23, 2020. The extension adds three new input modules to extend platform flexibility: Wide Range Analog Inputs Module, Thermocouple Inputs Module, and Resistance Temperature Detector Inputs Module. Mark Burzynski, CEO of SunPort SA, stated that “the NRC approval of the extended capability of the RadICS platform will simplify the installation of RadICS technology and the SunPort team is very proud to have been a part of that effort.”
The RadICS Platform is a revolutionary and high-quality digital I&C product that that has accepted technology solutions that provide significant plant benefits. The RadICS Platform consists of a single-instrument chassis containing a logic module and up to 14 other input/output and fiber-optic communication modules. This single channel configuration is IEC 61508:2010 SIL 3 capable and is intended for nuclear safety applications.
The RadICS Platform is flexible and scalable to fit the typical system arrangements used in both operating and new-build nuclear power plants. The RadICS Platform is unique in how it uses internal diversity to address Common Cause Failure (CCF) concerns without the need for a separate diverse actuation system that provides for simpler modernizations with reduced licensing risk.
Sean Kelley, COO of SunPort SA, stated, “The RadICS technology provides the extensive self-testing features that will increase the availability of plant safety systems and also provides cost reductions in plant operations and maintenance.”
The RadICS Platform can perform the surveillance tests needed during plant operation automatically without the need for human interaction using inherent platform self-diagnostics with some plant-specific interface adaptations. For testing that must be performed manually or during refueling outages, the RadICS Platform offers solutions that can automate aspects of the testing process to reduce human error and reduce the time required to perform the tests.
Curtiss-Wright and Radics LLC have formed a technical and marketing partnership to deliver the RadICS digital safety system platform to nuclear power plants in the United States. More information about the RadICS technology and the Curtiss-Wright and Radics LLC partnership can be found at the following links: