Application of Digital Technologies in the Modernization of Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
The International Agency for Atomic Energy (IAEA) sponsored fourth workshop within the framework of the national project “Proactive Ageing Management for Long Term Operation of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant, LVNPPIAEA/MEX 2017.”
The 2017 workshop was held at the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ). The topic of the workshop was “Technologies in the Modernization of Instrumentation and Control Systems at Nuclear Power Plants”. The event took place in the Nuclear Center “Dr. Nabor Carrillo Flores”, headquarters of the ININ, from 21 to 25 August.
Walter Rangel Urrea, Director of Technology Services for the ININ, opened the workshop, inviting attendees to take advantage of this opportunity and thanking them for enthusiasm in their professional development. Some of the topics that were discussed related to nuclear plant instrumentation products and its evolution in the light of such facilities life extension programs:
- Application of digital technologies in nuclear power plants, reliability, security, wireless communications, mode of failures and experiences.
- Operation of nuclear plants and maintenance, including benefits (I.E. efficiency, reliability, optimization, preventive maintenance).
- Technologies for the modernization of instrumentation and Control, methodologies and experience.
- Modernization of Control rooms, technologies for the improvement of man-machine interface.
The experts who shared their experience and knowledge are:
- János Eiler, Scientist Secretary of the IAEA
- Mark Burzynski, President, New Clear Day Inc., USA
- Ronald Jarrett, Digital Program Manager, Tennessee Valley Authority, USA
- Raymond Herb, Digital Main Engineer, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Inc., USA
- Sergio Russomanno, Chief Operating Officer, SunPort, Canada
The Coordinator of the event was the Dr. Francisco Javier Ramírez Jiménez of the Department of Electronic Systems. The ININ particpants incldued Raúl Mario Vázquez Cervantes, José Manuel García Hernández, Miguel Angel Aguilar Bautista, Pedro Cruz Estrada, Luis Mondragón Contreras, Elvira Gaytan Gallardo, Lina Angel Celis, Ivan de Jesus Corona Perez, Edwina Evangelina García Hernandez, Cesar A. Fernández Domínguez, Francisco Javier Ramírez Jiménez, J. Walter Rangel Urrea, and José Armando Segovia de los Ríos.
The workshop included case studies presented by experts, explaining the achievements and difficulties encountered in the modernization projects for which they participated. They also discussed issues associated with the modernization of instrumentation and control systems involving the migration to digital electronics. They also exchanged experiences on the instrumentation and control systems of nuclear power plants, with emphasis on the challenges of modernization, using digital technologies and methodologies that provide additional benefits such as greater safety, efficiency, reliability, optimization, reduction of maintenance, among others.
The workshop events included technical visits to the reactor and hot cells at the Institute.
The closure of the event had the presence of the Director-General of the ININ, Dr. Lydia Paredes Gutiérrez, closed the event and acknowledged the valuable contribution of experts and the IAEA for the 2017 workshop.