SunPort attended the American Nuclear Society 2019 Utility Working Conference and Technology Expo on August 4-7, 2019. The conference is an annual meeting of the nuclear industry that consistently generates strong, practical recommendations designed to address the industry’s most pressing needs. The focus of the 2019 conference was to analyze cost drivers common to all nuclear power plants and recommend programs and processes to improve their efficiency and effectiveness and to provide innovative solutions that enable a significant reduction in operating expenses.
SunPort found the following sessions most relevant to its business interest:
- Value Modeling to Optimize Capital Investments at TVA,
- Innovations Improving Operational and Financial Performance at Duke Energy,
- Digital Modernization Part 1: Myth-Busting Digital I&C,
- Digital Modernization Part 2: Closing the Deal,
- Subsequent License Renewal Activities – Past, Present, and Future, and
- Improve Performance, Safety, and the Bottom Line with Innovative Solutions Engine Technologies.
SunPort also used the conference to work with some foreign clients to help them better understand the U.S. nuclear market and its key business drivers and business culture.