The SunPort team attended the American Nuclear Society 2019 Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies Conference in Orlando, Florida on February 9-14, 2019.
SunPort presented a paper entitled “Case Study for Tailoring and Adapting IEEE Std 1012 Software Verification and Validation Requirements for FPGA Technology.” SunPort supported two presentations by Radiy entitled “Diversity in FPGA-Based Platform and Platform Based I&C Applications: Strategy and Implementation” and “Equipment Qualification of FPGA-Based Platform RadICS to Meet U.S. NRC Requirements.”
SunPort participated in a panel session entitled “NRC Integrated Action Plan for Digital I&C and Future Regulatory Modernization” chaired by NRC. This panel session focused on improvements to the NRC regulatory program for digital I&C and future challenges to address. Panel session topics included recent changes to NRC guidance, industry-led guidance initiatives, perspectives on emergent technical and regulatory challenges, and broader opportunities to transform the NRC regulatory framework.