On an invitation from the Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mark Burzynski, SunPort CEO, participated in the Meeting of the Technical Working Group of Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control (TWG-NPPIC) held at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria.
The TWG-NPPIC is a group of experts from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Member States that was established to provide advice to the IAEA and support programme implementation, reflecting a global network of excellence and expertise in the areas of instrumentation and control (I&C), human–machine interface (HMI), online condition monitoring, and modernizing obsolete analogue I&C systems in nuclear power plants (NPPs).
The purpose of the meeting was to exchange information on national and international programmes in the area of I&C and advise and provide recommendations to the IAEA on future activities related to the I&C field.