SunPort SA was invited to the European Forum of Nuclear Industry Suppliers, ATOMEX – Europe 2015, held on November 30 – December 1, 2015 in Budapest, Hungary. The Forum, hosted by Rosatom, included conference presentations, plenary sessions, panel discussions, and exhibition. The Forum was an important communication platform, providing European suppliers an opportunity to open dialogue with Rosatom on cooperation in the construction of Russian design nuclear power plants in Russia and abroad.
Individual business meetings in face-to-face format were also organized for suppliers, service providers and representatives of the main companies in the Russian NPP industry. Mr. Oszvald Glöckler, CEO of SunPort SA, had discussions with representatives of Rosenergoatom, Atomproekt, Rusatom Services and the ASE Group (NIAEP, Atomstroyexport, Atomenergoproekt).
Plans to build Rosatom-designed AES-2006 type NPPs at Paks-2 in Hungary and at Hanhikivi-1 in Finland highlight the importance and timeliness of the Forum.