As the conclusion of an international tendering process, on October 20, 2014, SunPort SA and RPC Radiy signed a joint contract with Électricité de France (EdF) to provide an FPGA-based instrumentation and control (I&C) testbed.
The FPGA-based testbed will serve research purposes for possible future implementation in nuclear power plants operated by EdF. The six-month development process resulted in the delivery of the testbed on April 20, 2015 along with its documentation, engineering tools for designing applications, and an EdF-specified control application. The service also included a week-long training course on start-up and operation of the testbed, to be followed by a three-year research and development period by EdF with an optional extension for additional three years. This project will enable EdF to get familiar with designing FPGA-based I&C applications in both NPP modernization and new build projects.