Between March 4th and 7th, 2013, Sergio Russomanno, Regional VP for North and South America, participated in an IAEA organized workshop in the “Centro Atomico Constituyentes”, a research facility that is part of CNEA (Atomic Energy National Commission) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The topic of the workshop was “Obsolescence and Modernization of I&C systems in Nuclear Power Plants”. Lecturers from Canada, Germany, Korea and the UK delivered presentations on different challenges faced by the industry and the different approaches that could be adopted in order to deal with these. As an invited lecturer, Sergio delivered two presentations, one on application of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) to I&C modernization projects and the other one on Verification and Validation (V&V) of FPGA based I&C systems for nuclear applications.
The workshop ended with a most interesting tour of the Atucha-2 Nuclear Power Plant, presently under construction approximately 100Km North of Buenos Aires.